

Tutorial: Building an NXT Segway

This is the basic Segway platform that you will use in each of the Segway tutorials. The robot is often referred to as ‘Anyway’, because you can build this robot with ‘Any’ version of Mindstorms NXT. Apart from a (any) NXT set, you will need a Gyroscopic Sensor for balance measurement: Either the HiTechnic Gyroscope,...

Room Explorer

This room explorer was built in April 2006 when I just started building with LEGO MINDSTORMS. Not much to say about this one, other than that I probably used it to practice my building and programming skills. With the concept of a ‘sensor’ being new to me then (hey, I was 12!), there were enough...

Balanced NXT-G code

NXT-G won’t be the next step to singularity, but there’s still a lot you can use it for. I’ve recently been working with NXT-G to create a program for my balancing robots. I’ve done this in the past, but this time I wanted to create some clean and easy to use code that doesn’t require...

A new website… The story continues

You know what happens to a lot of websites eventually. They become inactive, leaving new readers frustrated with messages like “Last update 2009”. I think that happened to my old website too. Not updating a website doesn’t always mean the author has stopped with what he worked on, though. For instance, I’ve been building robots...
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EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

Start Building Robots


Website Maintenance

Robotsquare is currently being updated, which means that it may look a little different (and not very polished) for a while. All the content and pages should still be there, though. It should be back and fully operational soon. Thanks for your patience!