Raspberry Pi with BrickPi into near space

LIVE update: Follow the balloon [HERE], and see the latest tweets from Dexter Industries below (newest first):


The interesting thing with Kickstarter stretch goals is that they may just be reached. Dexter Industries, the company behind the BrickPi project, possibly never imagined that they could exceed their $2,000 funding goal by so many times. As of June 17, they raised $127,000.

BrickPi by Dexter Industries

They’ve used a lot of the extra funding to make the BrickPi shield more capable and powerful while keeping the price the same, and it looks like they’re using the rest to meet their ambitious stretch goals.

This is the original stretch goal:

  • $75,000 – Win the Space Race. We will launch a BrickPi contraption into near-space via high altitude balloon method. We will produce an entertaining video and provide bill of materials and instructions for how to do it yourself. The BrickPi Project becomes the SpaceX of the Raspberry Pi world.

Dexter Industries announced that they’ll be launching a Raspberry Pi with a BrickPi into near space today! I’ll be updating this blog as soon as I get updates, but you can also get live updates via @dexterind #spacepi.

The BrickPi shields have now been shipped to their backers (see what I used it for here). It’s now also available on Amazon.


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