Tutorial: NXT 1.0 Brick Sorter

NXT 1.0 Brick Sorter

Brick sorters are one of my favorite Mindstorms projects. Simply because they’re fun, and also because they’re more “useful” than most LEGO vehicles that just drive around. This design was made in early 2007, and I shared the building instructions later that year. This was the first time I shared building instructions with the community, and as it turned out, not the last time!


  • One NXT 1.0 set (8527)
  • Several Black, Grey and White 2×2 LEGO Bricks. You may also try other colors (see below).


Follow the building instruction steps by clicking the picture below.

Click to download building instructions


Click to download the NXT-G Program for the brick sorter. If you examine the program, you’ll see that the colors are determined using Light Intensity measurements from the Light Sensor. Change the threshold values in the Switch Block to make the program work for you.

NXT 2.0 Users: While this project was made with the NXT 1.0, it is easily modified to work with the NXT 2.0 set and the NXT 2.0 color sensor. If you do this, send me your program and tips to adjust the brick sorter — I may post it to this page for other readers to see!


7 Responses
  1. Bette Brooks

    Today I ordered your 2 Mindstorm books from Amazon. I will be hosting my grand kids over the spring and summer breaks and plan to explore Mindstorms NXT 2.0 with them i have a question about platform choice. I am all iStuff: iMac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, but I’ve learned from the Internet that Mac users say Mindstorms doesn’t work with Mac. Is this true? if so, what would be minimal specs for a Dell desk top that I could for Mindstorm?

    Sorry, this is in reference to my previous email about Mac v Dell platforms. I didn’t check the “Notify me…” box.

    Bette Brooks

    1. Hi Bette,

      Thanks for getting those books. Hope you like them. If I can make a recommendation, I would start with the Discovery Book. It kind of mixes basic building and programming with instant examples. The other treats building and programming as separate topics.

      Some Mac users have reported problems, but it works for others. There are some specific updates that improve compatibility with Mac. I don’t personally have experience with Mac. Love my classic iPod though 🙂

      I think it may be worth the try before you buy a new system. Also, some people successfully use windows programs on a virtual machine. If you’re not familiar with that — it’s as if you start a full windows computer that runs as a normal application on your Mac.

      I’ve just added the system requirements to this post, including a link to patches for the software if you have a Mac.


  2. andre

    hi do you think this could work with nxt 2.0. if it does,please tell me cus i am 1 of those people who loses parts.

  3. Systolic

    Hi, can you help me to program using robotc for this brick sorter? Really need your help right now. Thank you very much.

  4. Mahesh

    Hi, can you help with the programming for the sorter with colour sensor instead of light sensor.


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