Pixy CMUcam5: Camera Sensor for LEGO MINDSTORMS

If you’re into camera sensors for robots, you might have heard of Pixy. It’s a popular vision system for devices like Arduino and Raspberry Pi. And now there a version for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, too. Check out the video to see it in action. Readers of the EV3 Discovery Book will recognize the robot featured in this video!


Best of all, this sensor can be used with the graphical programming software from LEGO. The camera is available now from robotshop for around $69.

You can find more information on the manufacturer product page, and the Pixy EV3 Wiki Page.

8 Responses
  1. Don Roos

    I know what just got added to my Christmas list! From the Wiki it looks like it’ll work with the NXT too.
    Great to see a new post Laurens – Thank you!

  2. martyn

    cool camera I bought one it was 71 euro including shipping form Canada to the Netherlands, arrived in 5 days.

  3. arnulfo hernandez

    We Just got one but my wife insist that Santa need to leave it under the Christmas three…I can wait to open it and used…


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