When you let robots do PR (they take over the world)

EV3 robots aren’t quite ready yet to assist in the household, but they can make themselves useful in other ways. I asked LAVA R3X to narrate my latest video for the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book. I think he did quite well.

After I uploaded it, I realized that he’s actually asking people (you, dear reader) to duplicate him on your end of the globe. Maybe it’s a secret plan to take over the world…

Leave a comment below if you build LAVA R3X. If we keep track of all the clones, we may be able to contain this situation before it’s too late.

45 Responses
  1. Lama-mantis

    Talking like LAVA R3X:


  2. Lama-mantis

    I have two questions about LAVA R3X. I hope you can answer them.
    Can he really say sentences?
    Can you build him with the rechargeable battery? Because the most walking humanoids can’t be build because the battery makes the intelligent brick thicker.

    1. – Yes. I generated Wav sound files. The EV3 software lets you import those sounds so you can play them.

      – Yes. In fact, it’s using the rechargeable battery in the video.

  3. Steve

    Hey I just happened to buy your book. It’s really useful! I thought I knew a lot, until I started reading.I have to say you explain very well.Thanks for writing it!

  4. Yuri1982

    I built this nice ROBOT which might be the best I’ve ever seen, then I found that it seems like NXT 2.0 offical ROBOT, was which from you also?

  5. Tom

    The book and the robots of it are very nice. I thought that i knew a lot about the eve before but when I bought the book i saw that the set has so many function more. It is really worth it.

    Thanks that i now know that much more!

  6. Gianci

    Nice Laurens! Love your creations and your book is also really good!

    I have a question: Can you send me a “newsletter” when you make a new robot? It would be great!

    Greetings from Switzerland,

    1. Hi Gianci,

      Thanks for your feedback!

      If you want to follow this blog, you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or subscribe to the RSS feed with your favorite readers, using the icon buttons at the top right of the page. Plenty of options 🙂


  7. Paul Sheard

    Hi Laurens,

    I just got a Lego EV3 Home edition as a Christmas gift from my girlfriend. I also purchased your great book as a Kindle edition along with the physical copy. So I can read your book wherever I am.

    I’m planning on building LAVA R3X ASAP!!

    I’ll post a video once I’m done!

    Thanks again from the UK


    1. Hi Merlen,

      I made them with free program called Espeak (link). Ubuntu Linux and ev3dev have it installed by default, so I was able to make them on the EV3 itself 🙂

      It looks like they also have a Windows version you can install.


  8. Amanda

    Hey! This robot is amazing! Will this robot work if I use the Ev3 Educational set? We don’t have the IR sensor, so can I use the UV sensor instead?

  9. Paul Sheard

    Hi Lauren’s,

    Can I build Lava R3X with the Lego mind storms home edition? Or do I need the education version?.


  10. TonyNguyen

    Hey, Laurens, i can not find the instruction on robotsquare. How can i find it ? Hope you answer because i really want to build it !

  11. Tony Nguyen

    Hi, Laurens.

    I just built LAVA R3X a week ago.

    Now, I upgrade it into a new level!

    That’s THE TRAVELER or you can call him STEV3.

    I’ll send you a pictuer about him,

    Bye for now.


  12. daniel kwak

    Hi. I am daniel.I changed LAVA R3X a little bit because I have the 45544 set. What should I change his feet into?

    P.S. It would be nice if you sent me the instructions.


  13. daniel

    it does not seem to be walking properly. it steps forwards, then steps back with the other leg. what could be the problem?

  14. Haha I doubt they will start taking over the world, mine ours obedient enough so far 🙂 or maybe thats just a trick :O 🙂 We built it some six months ago and the kids still take it out and play with it once in a while, which cant be said about most of the other gifts theyve gotten over the years 🙂


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