Coming Soon: The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book

After many months of hard work, I’m excited to announce that The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book will soon be released. I’ve been working on this project in silence since 2012 using the very first EV3 prototypes, and I’ve been building, programming, and writing ever since. The fine folks at No Starch Press have been working with me for the past few months to turn the manuscript into a fantastic book. Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be posting more information and excerpts so you can see what you’ll find in the book.


This new edition is much more extensive and detailed than the NXT 2.0 Discovery Book released in 2010. My favorite new topics include complete coverage of how to use each of the sensors effectively, how to create My Blocks with inputs and outputs, and how to use LEGO Technic elements and gears. (After studying mechanical engineering for 3 years, I just couldn’t get away not covering gearing principles in this book.) Perhaps the most noticeable change is that this edition is printed in full color. Not only does this make the building instructions easier to follow than before, but it also helps getting many of the programming concepts across clearly.

The book should be available in fine US book stores and online retailers such as Amazon from June. You can also get a copy of the book with a complementary ebook directly from the publisher (Use coupon code DISCOVER to get 30% discount). Several translations are on the way as well. Stay tuned for more news on those.


From the back cover:

LEGO MINDSTORMS has changed the way we think about robotics by making it possible for anyone to build real, working robots. The latest MINDSTORMS set, EV3, is more powerful than ever, and The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book is the complete, beginner-friendly guide you need to get started.

Begin with the basics as you build and program a simple robot to experiment with motors, sensors, and EV3 programming. Then you’ll move on to a series of increasingly sophisticated robots that will show you how to work with advanced programming techniques like data wires, variables, and custom-made programming blocks. You’ll also learn essential building techniques like how to use beams, gears, and connector blocks effectively in your own designs.
Master the possibilities of the EV3 set as you build and program:

  • The EXPLOR3R, a wheeled vehicle that uses sensors to navigate around a room and follow lines
  • The FORMULA EV3 RACE CAR, a streamlined remote-controlled race car
  • ANTY, a six-legged walking creature that adapts its behavior to its surroundings
  • SK3TCHBOT, a robot that lets you play games on the EV3 screen
  • The SNATCH3R, a robotic arm that can autonomously find, grab, lift, and move the infrared beacon
  • LAVA R3X, a humanoid robot that walks and talks

More than 150 building and programming challenges throughout encourage you to think creatively and apply what you’ve learned to invent your own robots. With The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book as your guide, you’ll be building your own out-of-this-world creations in no time!

Requirements: One LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set (LEGO SET #31313)

Can’t wait for the book? Are you curious about the robots? What kind of samples and excerpts would you like to see?  Let me know in the comments below.

30 Responses
      1. Christophe

        Out of luck any update on a possible French edition? I’m very pleased with the book, but my 13 years old is not yet good enough in English to leverage it on his own. A French edition would solve this…

    1. Thanks for your response. The discount code is for the publisher’s website. Amazon is already giving a 30% discount it seems, but at the publisher you get a free ebook bundle (PDF, Mobi, and ePub) with it.

  1. Chelsea

    I am so excited for this book to be released! I plan to use it with my boys as part of our home school this year.

    Do the projects in the book require additional materials?

    1. Hi Chelsea,

      Thanks for your comment.

      The projects in the book require only the EV3 home edition set (LEGO set #31313, the blue box pictured at the top right of this page).

  2. kenneth

    Will there be a translation in Dutch? I am from Flanders and when trying to promote mindstorms books to parents with kids there’s always the “but it’s in English” problem 🙁

    1. Hi Kenneth,

      I’d love to have a Dutch translation too. Authors don’t usually have a say in this though, as it’s an arrangement between publishers.

      However, authors (and readers) can certainly help making this possible by informing foreign publishers about the book. We’d just have to find a publisher who would be willing to take the initiative to translate it.



  3. Jarle

    Will there be anything on using custom firmware / python etc ?? Is it possible to load python shells on the EV3 ??

    1. That’s definitely possible, but that’s not what this book is about.

      This book is about building and programming robots with the standard LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 programming software.

      Keep an eye on this blog for other types of programming 😉

  4. Paolo

    Just pre-ordered the book from No starch press website (I used the 50% Off All Ebooks for Day Against DRM). Can’t wait for reading it.

    By the way, any plan for an Italian translation? Thus my kids could read it by themselves

    1. Thanks Sam. The first copies must be coming off the press at this very moment.

      I’m not sure you can more impatient than me, though — I can’t wait to see the finished book either 😀

  5. Bill Embring

    I too am looking forward to your new book-shipping from Amazon next week.
    So that you will know, I too am interested in the possible use of Python
    with EV3.
    Thank you for your work.


    1. Thanks Bill!

      I like Python as well. In fact, the EV3 sitting on my desk right now is programmed with Python. I hope to be able to blog about this later 🙂

  6. Gulnara

    Hi, Laurens!
    Thank you for your blog!
    I would buy this book for my son (8 years old, fond of EV3)
    Do you plan to make Russian edition?

  7. David Wierwille

    do You Know when You will finish the work on the German Edition of this book?
    I am right that there will be a German Version? Right?, 🙂

  8. Arnulfo Hernandez

    We just got your book and it’s great!! My “almost” 9 years old told me that it’s very easy to follow and already build the Indy 500 car!! Very good work on your book!!!

    1. That’s great to hear, thank you!

      If you’re interested, it would be great if you shared your experience with others in a review such as on Amazon 🙂

      1. Arnulfo Hernandez

        Yes Laurens, I’ll do it…I read the first chapters of your book last night and its very well done. Congratulations, my daughter just passed to 4 grade and she is in Love with the Mindstorm EV3…In December I got the Kit for her and since them she just got crazy building anything she can and impressing her friends…I bought another similar book that is good as well but it’s not in color and for some reasons she just putted aside… thank again Sir!

  9. Hans Mesman

    Hallo Laurens,

    Kan de EV3 worden geprogrammeerd met nxc in bricxCC?

    Zo nee, kan het met C (ook met BricxCC)?

    Ik wil dat mijn leerlingen regels programmeren. Niet grafisch.

    Ajuus, Hans Mesman.

  10. FollowKevn

    how do you download the Mindstorms ev3 discovery book online onto your pc (personal computer) cuz I’ve got a kit myself

  11. Mac

    I bought 30 copies and use them as a classroom set of books. The class has been very successful in getting kids engaged in robotics. But they struggle to follow me when reading the book.

    What I really need is a PDF I can use to construct better lessons. I don’t mind paying for another book, but I don’t want to sigh up for anyone’s ebook service. Can you point me to where I can find a simple pdf I can use.

  12. mac compton

    I have 30 of these books for my classroom. However, I am in DESPERATE need of a pdf that I can make presentations with. Can you offer any help (classes start in a week!


EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

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