From idea to product: Minute Bot base ready for shipping

Minutebot baseplates ready for shipping
Some great ideas don’t make it to production stage. But the MinuteBot Baseplate did, and it looks promising. By popular demand, they chose to change the color from red to light grey. These should soon be available for purchase on their website.

A few of these are coming my way, so I hope to review them here soon. Stay tuned.

2 Responses
  1. Zyzo

    Yes, -if- it’s a motor…I could also imagine it is a slilhtgy more efficient dynamo/ generator.Common PF motors can generate power also if you turn their motor shaft, but that requires a fair bit of force. Maybe this one has less internal friction (less rpm changing gears) to compensate for this problem.This little generator could recharge the PF battery pack, or something like that. But, I’m just speculating 🙂


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