EV3 Discovery: Downloads

On this page, you’ll find the downloadable sample programs, solutions to selected challenges, printable line following tracks, and a printable LEGO unit grid. This information applies to:

  • The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book (English Edition)
  • LEGO-EV3-Roboter (German Edition)

Download the example programs

These project files contain ready-made versions of the programs featured in the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book. You can use them as a starting point, or to solve problems in your own programs.

If you experience problems when opening these projects, right-click on a link, click “Save As”, and choose where to save the file on your computer. Then, open the downloaded EV3 project file with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 software.

Download solutions to selected Discoveries

These project files contain solutions to some of the Discoveries (German: Selbst Entdecken) featured in the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book/LEGO-EV3-Roboter. You can use them as a starting point for your projects, or to solve problems in your own programs.

If you experience problems when opening these projects, right-click on a link, click “Save As”, and choose where to save the file on your computer. Then, open the downloaded EV3 project file with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 software.

Download line following tracks and the LEGO unit grid

  • Click to download the color reference chart featured in Chapter 7
  • Click to download the test track featured in Chapter 7
  • Click to download the customizable line following tiles featured in Chapter 7
  • Click to download the LEGO unit grid featured in Chapters 10 and 11


If you experience any problems downloading or opening these files, please leave a comment below.

98 Responses
  1. Tommy

    when I built lava r3x and turned on the WalkTest program, it reset, but the onsync block made the motors go 100 percent power.
    so then I downloaded the downloadable file for lava r3x and same thing happened. can you help me

        1. Adi

          this happened to me to, but the downloaded program works just fine and when i checked all the things they were identical. I think it has something to do with my Reset as my reset acts differently than the downloaded one. I really have no idea whats going on here and would really appreciate some help. Thanks!

          1. Adi

            or nvm i found the error. I didnt see that i had 90 where i needed a -90. I was looking through the onsync more thouroghly than everything else so i missed that.

  2. Tom

    Lauren – I have reviewed in depth copies of all of the books written for the EV3 up to this date and I can say without question that in my opinion, yours is best written and most useful in the classroom. Very well done! The information you have published above on the Discoveries in your book have been extremely useful as well – thanks. I was just wondering if you had plans to publish similar information for the remaining Discoveries numbered 117-132 listed in your book? If so, any general idea as to when they might be available?

    1. Hi Tom,

      Thanks for your comments. Great to hear you liked this book.

      I’ve completed and uploaded the solutions for the EXPLOR3R and SK3TCHBOT chapters as they were essential elements of the chapters with tutorials on EV3 programming.

      The other challenges are built on the extra projects. I understand that some readers would like to see solutions of these too, though. I’ll see if I can work on these in February ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Tom

        Hi Laurens,

        Sorry to bother you, just following up. I was wondering if you had changed your mind on providing any additional discovery answers for Discoveries 117-132?

        If so, no problem of course – just wanted to know if anything was in the works! Thanks again for your fine book.

        1. Hi Tom,

          I didn’t change my mind, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time to work on these solutions just yet. Been very busy studying (even as we speak) and learning about robots ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Bram

    Hey laurens,

    I build the program for the Explor3r but i don’t understand something,
    I do not understand what the number of degrees of an angle of 90 degrees in that program Explor3r to power 50?

    1. Do you mean you would like to make the robot do a 90-degree turn? Keep in mind that the “degrees” setting specifies how many degrees the wheels turn. The first Discoveries give you some tips to get started.

  4. Bram

    Hey Laurens,

    I’ve got a problem if i want to use a Move Steering block in Discovery 11 it doesn’t work if i say: motor on. What can i do?

    1. This is discussed in Chapter 8, which shows you how you can make a program that receives commands from the infrared remote. Then you can make the robot do anything you want with a button press, and not just drive the basic robot around.

      You will find applications of this technique in Chapter 12 and 18, where a remote control program is created for Formula EV3 and SNATCH3R.

  5. Mike

    I would like to see more of your discoveries. I.E. design discovery #13, the tabletop cleaner, or even the proper solution to discovery #55 on pg 110. I think I know how you’re thinking it should be done, but seeing the answer would help…Love the book though!

    1. Hi Mike,

      I see. Maybe I can point to example projects for the design discoveries instead. In particular, the table top cleaner idea stems from the good old RCX project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcsew57P9qg ๐Ÿ™‚

      When writing the book, it wasn’t my intention to develop complete answers to those Design Discoveries, but rather give the reader some ideas to get started trying to build on their own. (If you’re like me when I started building MINDSTORMS years ago, even the simplest designs take a lot of trial and error at first!)

      The Discoveries in the programming tutorial chapters are more like text book assignments, so I’ve provided answers to those. I do agree that some of the Discoveries in Chapters 10-11 are like that as well. I’ll work on those!



  6. Bob

    Hi, I would like the discovery number 72. I love ANTY so much! He amazes my relatives when they come over! Doing this would make me happy, though no rush if you do not have time.

  7. will

    on page 165 the center program, I ran program and it acted like I had put a reset in the beginning and when the medium motor was not a 0 it messed up the program. I tried your program and it did the same thing. I thing there is a glitch.

    what do you thing? really good book.

  8. Michael

    I tried to download the answers to discovery 2, but it won’t open. Do you mind telling me what the wheel rotation degree is for a 180ยฐ turn?

  9. super-g

    are you dead Laurens and only left the web behind because i haven’t seen any comments from you ever since i posted mine
    p.s i only wanted to make sure everything was ok (AND YOU’RE WORKING HARD ON THAT PROJECT)

  10. Questionaire

    Dear laurens,The lavar3x keeps doing a over 90 degree turn so when
    it tries to avoid obsatcles it keeps turning for 10 minute on
    the LEft programm

  11. Slawek Poreda

    Really cool stuff. Bought the book and we build this walking robot with my daughter. She wrote the program as well. Amazing

    1. mindstormsboi

      It’s likely she copied the program from the book. Besides, I don’t really call block-based programming real programming.

    1. mindstormsboi

      It’s most likely your fault. Make sure you precisely copied every detail from the program, and check for any loose or unstable connections.

  12. Kat

    Is there anyway to download the instructions on how to build the robots, like Explorer and Sketchbot, on the Lego Digital Designer program? Maybe I missed something. This book is extremely useful in the classroom, especially the advanced programming involved in Chapters 15 and 16. Some of my exceptionally bright students have finally been challenged!

  13. mtone - 1

    Please can I have the solution for discoveries #120 – #122!

    P.S. Laurens could you please release the solutions from #117-#132 if possible because that would be helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. The book mentions coming here to find out what pieces are needed if we own the educational set. My wife and I bought sets 45544 (Education Core) and 45560 (Expansion Kit) for our daughter. Do you still provide the list of parts needed if we don’t have 31313? If it’s here, could you kindly point me to it (because I missed it if it is)?

    Like many, I was surprised to see that you can’t order individual bricks easily. What are folks doing about that? I gather that some are buying individual Technics kits to filch parts from?

    Thanks, Laurens.

  15. Jason

    Hello I just finished this book and I loved it. It gave me just enough info that I still learned everything you were say. to the point
    I can write pretty complex programs for my own robot and the robot from your book. I do have a programming question. I have to touch sensors and I want to use both. I would like to have a random block choose, one and if you pick the right one you win but if you pick the wrong one it boos you or something like that can you give me a starting point? If I have a base start point it would help. Thank you

  16. luck

    Hi Laurenz these programs for SK3TCHBOT don’t work. coordinates, compare position and problem. im also 11 so im a young worker for EV3 stuff THX oli

  17. Hi Lauren,

    In the arcade game, is there any way to use the brick buttons to move the player? I was trying to program another arcade game and I really wanted to use the brick buttons instead of the motors.


  18. MIne10

    Hi Laurens,

    Sorry to bother you, just following up. I was wondering if you had changed your mind on providing any additional discovery answers for Discoveries 117-132?

    If so, no problem of course โ€“ just wanted to know if anything was in the works! Thanks again for your fine book.

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  20. leedonghan

    Hi. I’m korean.
    Could you explain Design discoveries 1, 2, 3??? in the book. chapter 4.

    I can’t find Design discoveries Solution. please.

  21. Artem

    Discovery #102 – Error

    In this discovery the formula to count circumference is “r*pi*2”. It is wrong!
    Real formula is “r*pi “

    1. mindstormsboi

      Laurens is no longer active on this site. Go to bricks.stackexchange.com and ask someone to help you fix the program.

  22. Jan Melis

    Hello Laurens,
    We created the snatcher and its program fot de remote control. Unfortunately after donwnloading the program on the ev3, it didnโ€™t respond to the remote. We ofcourse checked the batteries. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

    Greetings Jan

    1. mindstormsboi

      This is not the place to ask such a thing, esp. since Laurens is not active. Someone on bricks.stackexchange.com has already asked this question and got an answer.

  23. DIMITRI Trubetskoy

    Hi Laurens, my sons and I, we love your book and tried to build a formulaEV3 today. The program my kids tried to write did not work so I assumed that they made some sort of mistake so we decided to use yours, after downloading it from here. The one we wanted to try badly was, of course, the remote control one ๐Ÿ™‚ For some reason it did not work so we tried just a RESET one – that is supposed to align the wheels but it JUST turned the wheels to the left for one time and nothing else!
    It can be seen on the following video https://youtu.be/3Dsv9e4CpN8

    We don’t understand what can be a problem? Thanks in advance!

  24. Raymond Elder

    I figured out how to do the speed control program. you just need to put another remote switch block beside the regular remote control move switch block, and then use variables and math blocks to increase and decrease the variable in the other remote switch block so that the variable increases or decreases at the touch of the up or down buttons on the beacon/remote, and then use the variable to control the speed of each forward move block in the remote control switch block.

  25. Wim

    Hey There, When I Unzip the file โ€œ solution for discoveriesโ€ I get only files with no content.
    Thx for help


    Hi, Laurens. When I was opening the linefollowtiles.pdf, I found out that tile#11 is empty. Is it intetionally left blank or is there something wrong with my pdf ?

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