EV3 Discovery Book now available in Traditional Chinese


I’m excited to let you know that a Traditional Chinese translation of the EV3 Discovery Book is now available! The book is published by GOTOP in Taiwan. Check out the product page for more details here.

The EV3 Discovery Book is now available in the following languages:

Translations to Simplified Chinese (China mainland) and Korean are in progress.

Do you want to read the EV3 Discovery Book in your language?

To make this possible, you can try contacting a publisher in your country and inform them about this book. You’re typically looking for a publisher that specializes in high quality computer, hobby, or children’s books. If they’re interested in publishing a translation, they can contact me, or contact No Starch Press directly through the email address on this page. Thanks!

13 Responses
  1. Shawn van

    it’s so ridiculous for publish in Traditional Chinese. There is few people in Taiwan. Why don’t you invite me to Translate into Simple Chinese that is real popular in the world! You are funny.

      1. Rajan Arora

        Dear Lauren,

        I have tried your Random Number Even-Odd Program For Ev3 from EV3 Discovery Book and it works great But I want to do it with NXT also. I a trying a lot but not getting any useful result. Please Provide me program for the same if you have done it.

    1. Morgan

      It is great to have the version of Traditional Chinese. There are MANY people who need the book in Taiwan. Appreciated Laurens and GOTOP.

  2. Hsu

    I would like to query a question. I plane to follow this book to learn Lego’s robot. If my system is #45544 rather than #31313, how many extra elements should purchase to let me can complete all the topics described within this book. Is there any information?

  3. Morgan

    Dear Laurens,
    Where can I get the list of extra elements for the book samples in #45544 kit to be completed? Thanks.

    1. You can read more details about the pieces in both EV3 sets here.

      However, you can also follow along most of the programming activities, simply with the #45544 Educator vehicle. This holds for chapters 1-9. In that case, you won’t need additional pieces.

      The robot used for teaching programming in Chapters 14-17 doesn’t require many pieces, and can also be built with #45544 if you make small modifications.

      To do the other building projects you will need all of the pieces of the #31313 kit, as explained in the article. However, you could instead use the projects as inspirations for projects you build with your own LEGO pieces.

  4. Rajan Arora

    Dear Laurens,
    I need a program of simple mathematical calculator with NXT or Ev3,, If You have any please reply.

  5. brook

    Is the translation to Simplified Chinese still in progress? It has been a while since the translation was started probably two years ago. Thanks!

  6. brook

    Thank you so much! I took look at the sample pages. Some of the translations are not accurate, such as the translation for the Gyro sensor. I guess the translator probably doesn’t have the engineering background. Overall, it looks OK.


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