Hot off the press: the first copy!

No Starch Press sent me a few pictures of the first copy from the printer. Everything is looking great, which means that the books should be on their way to your doorstep soon, and online retailers such as Amazon should have it in stock soon within a few weeks. Be sure to leave a comment when your pre-ordered copy arrives!




15 Responses
  1. Adrian

    El libro sale a la venta una semana antes ahora no está disponible ni en preventa pero ya estará disponible
    Perdió el 2 de julio
    Perdón otra vez se dice el perdón no perdió el corrector de mi iPad lo a corregido mal

  2. Jonathan Rigden

    Just received a notification from Amazon that I will receive it on the 11th. Unfortunately I will be at Scout camp all week. Will dig I when we get back. ScoutSon will be working on the Robotics Merit Badge for STEM Camp later this summer, can’t wait.

    1. Thanks Jonathan!

      I think the previous edition of this book was listed as an official resource for the Robotics Merit Badge 🙂

  3. Anton

    I received mine yesterday! We built the race car right away. Couldn’t resist adding bigger wheels and a gearbox to make it go faster… Next thing we’ll add is an automatic gearbox and proportional steering with an extra large motor. Speed is everything!

    The book is an update to the previous book with ev3 versions of classics like brick sorter, snatcher, alpha rex, and manty.

  4. Chelsea

    Just got ours! The kids are already chomping at the bit to build the race car. I think I’m going to cut the binding off and spiral bind it so it will lay flat on the table, but it’s beautiful!

  5. shikhars

    Hi, I bought EV3 for my 12 year old son along with a book (EV3 Laboratory by Benedettelli) last Christmas. My son is a Lego fanatic and he was able to build most robots in lab book. However it was no fun, he kept asking what to do with his robot and that it was a dumb robot. (The book it seems is intended for a higher levels).

    Luckily I found your book on amazon this month and I see what you have done. Marvelous. Just enough fun projects so that a 12 year old kid can pick up required skills and HAVE FUN. I appreciate you writing this book so that we parents can be happy that our children are educated in a fun manner. Congratulations and big THANK YOU for your work.

    1. Great to hear you like the book. With this book I’m hoping to teach robotics while demonstrating how much fun it can be to develop your own ideas.

      I’m happy to hear that this approach works for you. Thanks for sharing your feedback!

      (Tell your son I said hello 🙂 )


EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

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