LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3: 12 Bonus Models

The LEGO Group has just revealed the 12 official bonus models that you can build with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 31313 set. They were designed by members of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Expert Panel, and they’re officially endorsed by LEGO. Some of them also appear on the EV3 packaging. I’ve grouped all 12 projects by category below.

The projects will be available as free downloads in the EV3 programming software – just click ‘more robots‘ in the start screen of the EV3 software. You can also download them separately here: LINK.



RAC3R | A Racing Truck | Designed by Laurens Valk

ROBODOZ3R | The Bulldozer | Designed by Mark Crosbie
BOBB3E | Forklift Truck | Designed by Kenneth Madsen

Creatures & Droids

DINOR3X | The Dinosaur | Designed by Lasse Lauesen
EV3D4 | The new R2D2 | Designed by Vassilis Chryssanthakopoulos, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
EV3MEG | Line Follower | Designed by Martijn Boogaarts
KRAZ3 | Wall-E gone crazy | Designed by Marc-André Bazergui


MR. B3AM | Sorts LEGO Beams by Length | Designed by Kenneth Madsen
PLOTT3R | Draws Letters on Paper Rolls | Designed by Ralph Hempel


WACK3M | Arcade Game | Designed by Martijn Boogaarts
SH3LL Game | Follow the hidden red ball | Designed by Ricardo Oliveira
EL3CTRIC GUITAR | Play Music with EV3 | Designed by Daniele Benedettelli

All bonus model designs copyright by their respective owners. All 12 photographs in this post copyright by The LEGO Group, used with permission.

64 Responses
      1. Lasse

        Hi! Do you have the program for the sorter? I can’t find any download. And I am not able to do it alone. Greetings

      1. Lucas

        Hi Laurens!

        I built the RAC3 TRUCK but it doesn’t work well either in autonomous mode or in remote control mode. It appears that the medium engine does not have enough force for the front wheels to return to the original position when the reset command occurs. Can you help me?

      2. Yiyu

        j’ai regardé dans tous les boutons mais je n’arrive pas a trouver le programme de l’entrainement cérébral, pouvez vous m’aider? c’est dans le grand livre de LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3

          1. I only made the instructions for the Truck, obviously, but I turned the other files into PDFs as well so that people can easily build it from a tablet, for instance.

          2. Lama-mantis

            It was a genious idea to make them! Now i can simplier build replicas of the robots! Maybe my next robot is a RAC2 TRUCK…

            What I meant, is:
            What kind of software did you use to make the building instructions?

  1. DeutzD17

    Hi ich habe den raceTruck gebaut und er es gut aber das Programm dafür finde ich nicht mehr! Könnte mir jemand helfen?

  2. kiran Gupta

    Hello Laurens,cant thank you enough for this book.I run a Lego based educational program in India and will be introducing Mindstorms soon this year. Thanks to your book Robotics is so much fun n learning:-)
    I somehow cant open this link for the bonus models,nor can I find them in the ev3 education software. Look fwd to your reply.


  3. Barnabas Beres

    Hi,We have built one of the bonus models, the EV3GAME successfully, but we do not find any place to download the program from. We spent hours sercing the web and found only the pdf for building instructions but nowhere any programs to operate any of the robots. PLEASE help us to find the download site! Thanks a lot!

      1. Bernard

        Sorry, can’t find “More Robots” tab. Btw, what is the start screen ?
        Thanks for your help,

      2. Zoé

        uUnfortunately, this tab is completely empty in the development environment for the PC. Very frustrating for my son, who spent hours building the EV3GAME robot.

  4. mel

    Hi. We built the race truck, downloaded the software from the lego web site. Unfortunately we encounter some problems while using the remote control version. It seems that as long as we drive the truck straight forward or backwards everything is fine. But after we use the right or left buttons for the first time it will be stuck. Only reset will restart the functions.
    Anyone got the same problem? Is it a software issue? Or maybe a bug in the program?

    1. Hiddemans

      > after we use the right or left buttons for the first time
      > it will be stuck. Only reset will restart the functions.
      I had a similar problem but traced it back to the Medium motor thinking that it’s current position is zero, even after moving all the way left or right! The reason (I think) is that the wire is not fully clicked in the Medium motor so maybe commands get through but position data does not get back. Plugging the wire in and out a few times and positional data comes through as tested with the USB lead connected.

  5. Risya

    Thanks James, the programs is stitnarg well. But there is the next problem at my MacBook: There are no pictures in the Building Instructions at the right side of the program screen, while the number of building steps will be posted correct.

  6. Tom

    Hi,Laurens! I want to build these robots, but I just have MINDSTORMS EV3 #45544, #45560, IR sensor and beacon . Which one can I build? I don’t care about the color.

    PS: 1. If there have some robot(s) that I can build, did I need to change battery?
    2. I bought your EV3 Discovery book , I like it. But I can’t build SNATCH3R, what
    can I do?

    From China,

  7. Gus Brown

    I downloaded the instructions for the RAC3 TRUCK but I couldn’t find the program, even on the software.

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  9. Aditi


    We have built the Dinor3X following the build instructions but we can’t find the program anywhere to run it. Please help.


EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

Start Building Robots


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