UPDATE: New pictures here [LINK].
Some websites have reported that the new EV3 set comes with instructions for 17 models. We’ve seen the first official 5 models, but I just came across this picture taken at CES, showing the backside of the box. The bottom right of the picture shows three more robots, apparently the first three “Extra” models. It’s a bit hard to see, so can you help identify what they are? Let me know in the comments.

I see an outlandish Rhino, C3PO and a truck.
Did I win anything? 😀
The eternal honor if possibly guessing it right? Or wrong, of course 🙂
Having another look, I’m not seeing a C3PO in the second one, I think.
Is the pane above with the icon of devices broadcasting a new one too, or just the humanoid?
That looks like EV3RSTORM, the humanoid.
Do outlandish rhinos have spikes on their heads?
“Outlandish” says is all 😀
all rhinos have spikes on their heads
Not C3PO, but R2D2
I think the middle one looks like R2D2. The one on the left might be a hedgehog or porcupine.
RD2D… that’s what I meant, the low roundish droid, not the tall golden humanoid 😀
I agree with the hedgehog, and the one on the right might be a truck??
One on the left looks like Daniele Benedettelli’s turle, 3.0-style of course. Am I mistaken or does it looks like there is a gyro involved in this set? The right bottom corner, maybe a truck like 8479, the programmable truck… IN the middle, yes similar to R2D2.
There is a gyro in the edu version, but not in home. (Or at least according to mindstorms.lego.com)
Good point Bjorn. I didn’t think of the 8479 – way before my time! 🙂
The box says have fun a lego.com/mindstorms they might be creations that you will
be able to find on lego.com this summer.
The robots you see might be a work in progress for lego.
It seems like it is like the mindstorms community we have now with extra creations you can
build on lego.com they might not even have a name.
If you think about it what was the lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 like when they announced it in
2009 we might have a clue of what the three robots are and why they are on the box.
I just can’t find these robots ANY were maby someone can
I made out a few words (play the fun online games and get to know the programming)
That was what I made out
I also saw the words (building instructions and programs (:
I will keep looking
Here is what the box says
Play fun online games and get
to know the programing ?-?-?-?-?
?-? building instructions ?-?-?-?
-?-?-? share your creations with
?-?-? Lego -?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-
?-?-? community-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?
Sorry could not read all of it
Ill keep trying
Compare this photo http://nxtmexico.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/9748-1.jpg to
One of the robots on the back of the box
Here is a cropped photo http://www.flickr.com/photos/92203334@N06/8376705863/in/photostream
Laurens use this photo it might give you a clue of what the robots are
Maybe some relationship…
Laurens– I think I might try to make a NXT version of one of the EV3 models, too. I’ve already seen the NXT R3PTAR and puppy. I might try a TRACK3R or an EV3RSTORM.
(Did you see the puppy on NXT log?
teh puppy is on NXT log.
I might have found another on the education website while searching through google images for “EV3”. Tell me if you think it’s another of the models:
look at this site for the third one http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/Mindstorms2News/otherfiles/download69B946250150B6AEBE7D48A0EE1A0595.pdf
page 3
Nice find!
Looks like the same thing as in the third panel!
On the lower left corner on the back of the nxt 2.0 there are some models maked by fans. Maby the three robots obove are maked by fans.
Another extra robot is the gyro boy. It is like a segway.
The education grio sensor looks like the tilt sensor in the wedo set
The bottom left looks like a scorpion. Do i get a Medal? 😀
Also the top right is like a cool snake and the bottom right looks like something that can hold stuff or catch stuff. Am i right? 🙂