Control Power Functions over Bluetooth

Upcore G1

A new third party LEGO electronics developer has just released the Upcore G1. The device can be used to control Power Functions over Bluetooth. This way you can control your LEGO creations over Bluetooth from your smartphone – without the need of an NXT. Upcore G1 can control up to 3 motors with proportional speed control. Then there are 5 more ports for basic ON/OFF control. It even includes a Gyroscope. But it’s rated +/-2G, so it might just be an accelerometer instead.

Upcore G1 Box

According to the specs, there’s support for both iOS and Android. This is interesting, because there are no Bluetooth NXT apps for iOS.

At 69.99 EURO (~ $90) it sounds like a very powerful addition to your LEGO collection. Find more information on their website, or watch a video of the device in action.

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