HispaBrick Magazine 13 is out

The thirteenth issue of HispaBrick Magazine is out! HispaBrick (In English and Spanish) is a fan-made LEGO magazine with articles on all things LEGO. It frequently features MINDSTORMS and TECHNIC related topics and it’s no different this time.

You’ll find coverage of several MINDSTORMS events, including the Mobile World Congress (So many Snatcher‘s!), and an interview with the designer of FLL tables. You’ll also find and article about building sturdy structures with Technic and pneumatic sequencing.

View the magazine below (free), or download the english PDF (free) here or here.


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Robotsquare is currently being updated, which means that it may look a little different (and not very polished) for a while. All the content and pages should still be there, though. It should be back and fully operational soon. Thanks for your patience!