

Featuring the Rotacaster Omniwheels for NXT, this is the the Omnistrider, based on the Strider in my book. Contrary to most omniwheeled NXT robots, this one has an unconventional wheel orientation. The result is that it can’t turn by itself, but that’s not really a problem since it can go in any direction.

It’s got a compass to track its direction, although I might add a gyroscope to improve accuracy. Videos are coming soon…


I spent a few hours programming this robot today. It can currently drive in a straight line regardless of how you spin the robot around (a video will make this clear). What would be cool things to do with this robot? Object avoidance, line following, remote, something else? Leave a suggestion in the comments.

19 Responses
          1. the NeXT desingner

            Can it move like the original Strider when you press its touch sensors? by the way I bought the book online and I loved it and all the robots in it 🙂

            p.s. my favorite robot was the Snatcher

  1. Joevahkiin

    Could you please pulish some instructions on the website? Im 12 and I dont have the book and im a bit stuck for ideas of what to build. Id like to involve a colour sensor because i hardly ever use that. Thanks for listening.


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