Lorem ipsum: Sit and Wait

An old unfinished project

Creating and filling up a new website is no mean feat! You may have seen some Lorum Ipsum texts on some of the NXT project pages. That’s intended. I wanted to set up all of those archive pages with illustrations first. The text will come later. Most of the images speak for themselves anyway. Just check back later on those archive pages. I’ll be sure to put some text on pages that make it to the front page, though.

While I was digging through projects to post, I came across the picture you see to the left, and it felt good to include that here. From your own experience, you’ll probably know that not all robot projects work well the first time. Looking at this robot it’s easy to see why this failed. Actually, it’s kind of amusing from an Engineering perspective…

This new blog should allow me to post such work in progress pictures more often, so you’ll also get to see the robots that didn’t pass the gravity exam. How about you? How many of your robots failed the gravity test?


10 Responses
  1. “Looking at this robot it’s easy to see why this failed. Actually, it’s kind of amusing from an Engineering perspective…”

    Ha ha, yeah. Looking back at some of my original creations, it’s easy now to see why they didn’t work so good.

    “How about you? How many of your robots failed the gravity test?”

    A couple of months ago I built a almost life-sized model of the Mars Rover “Sojourner”. Sadly, it failed due to gravity. It was just too darn heavy!!! Maybe if I actually used it on mars….

      1. the NeXT desingner

        I can see in the picture that the legs did need stronger support I think the reason it was too heavy was because of the NXT’s batteries and weight

  2. mindstormerguy

    What if you put the intelligence bricks on the
    legs instead of the head or whatever it is……


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Website Maintenance

Robotsquare is currently being updated, which means that it may look a little different (and not very polished) for a while. All the content and pages should still be there, though. It should be back and fully operational soon. Thanks for your patience!