Best EV3 video from CES

Check out this cool and detailed video with 8 minutes of EV3 news. It’s an interview by Techcrunch with Camilla Bottke from LEGO. CES just finished for the LEGO MINDSTORMS team, and this video nicely sums up almost everything that was disclosed last week.

The video highlights several aspects of the new set, and it shows GRIPP3R, R3PTAR, EV3RSTORM and SPIK3R in action. Now all we have to do is wait for this awesome set to come out later this year!

Update: Want to see even more? Check out this interview with two of the developers [LINK].

5 Responses
  1. David Xiao

    Hello Laurens,
    I’m really excited about the new EV3 set, and I appreciate that you’ve posted this news on your website. I was a little confused, though, about how the EV3 set is sold. I went onto, and there was no information about the EV3 set. Then, I went onto the Lego Education website, and it said that the Core EV3 set (without software) is $339.95, and the Core EV3 set (with software) is $433.95. However, the only version of the EV3 that I have found is the Lego Education version. Will there be a personal build-it-at-home set that is sold separately, or will the EV3 set be only available as a Lego Education set? In the event that Lego does not have a separate set for personal uses, will we be able to purchase the EV3 set even if we are not educators?
    Thanks for your time!
    David Xiao

  2. David Xiao

    I also have a question about the software. The Core EV3 set (with LabView software) costs around $95 more than the Core set (without software). I’m sure the new LabView software has tons of functions, but is the EV3 set only compatible with that software, or can the EV3 operate with other software, like RobotC and NXT 2.0 (NXT-G) software?
    David Xiao


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