EV3 robots coming to Utrecht, Netherlands


Do you want to see some cool EV3 robots in action, or have you always wanted to meet some of the world’s leading MINDSTORMS robot builders and programmers? Then come visit the LEGO MINDSTORMS booth at LEGOWorld in Utrecht, the Netherlands between 16-22 October.

I’ll be there on 17-19 October to demonstrate the robots featured in the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book. I’ll also have a limited amount of books for sale. If you already have a copy and if you want me to sign it, just bring your copy with you!

4 Responses
  1. Lama-mantis

    I’m disappointed I don’t go to LEGOWorld this year. I probably go next year. Do you think you’ll be there next year?

    By the way, will you also sign the NXT books?


EV3 Discovery

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