New Wireless Bluetooth console for BeagleBone Black

Wireless Bluetooth console for BeagleBone Black
Wireless Bluetooth console for BeagleBone Black

When we developed the Zebro Light robot featuring the (original) Beaglebone, we frequently had to go out for field tests. Inside the university building, we could use WiFi to program and debug the robot, but this was impractical (and occasionally dangerous) as the robot walked outside of the WiFi range.

Open Electrons has come up with a solution: the BBConsole. BBConsole gives you wireless access to the console using Bluetooth. The device fits in the space between the BBB headers, so you can continue using capes without conflict. You’ll want to hurry, though. The Indiegogo campaign has only just over a week left.

They’ve developed several apps to control the BeagleBone Black from supported phones. Open Electrons told me that the console will also work with a PC or Laptop if you have a Bluetooth 4.0 USB dongle. (Handy if you need to hit CTRL+C really quickly when the motors on your robot start to move unexpectedly!)

3 Responses
  1. Karina Velasquez

    Why cant we all just find the Puppy like can you guys at least make it atleast more easier like its really hard for me to find the Puppy like Really need alot of help actually finding out what i need to find like for an example can you guys really help me to go and find the puppy like reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Help me find the puppy i need alot of help STAT………..


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