Where to buy the EV3 Discovery Book

This post provides a summary of the best options to purchase a copy of the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discover Book. Wherever you are, there are so many options!


Quick summary:

  1. From the publisher: Great price; Free ebook.
  2. Amazon.com: Best price inside the US.
  3. The Book Depository: Great price; Free worldwide shipping.
  4. Your favorite web shop: Most convenient.
  5. Your local book store: Keeps the book stores around for longer.

1. Get it directly from the publisher: No Starch Press

2. Get it from Amazon

3. Get it from the Book Depository

4. Get it from your favorite online retailer

There are plenty of other online retailers in the US and worldwide. Chances are, your favorite online retailer has it for you. Just use one of the following search terms:

  • Author: Laurens Valk
  • Title: The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
  • ISBN: 978-1-59327-532-7 (Or, search without dashes: 9781593275327)

5. Get it from your local book store

Large book stores in the US or Canada such Barnes and Noble may have the book in stock. Look for it in the computer books section. If you’re not in the US or Canada, or if you want to support your favorite local book store, ask whether they can order it for you. The following details should help the staff find the book in their system:

  • Author: Laurens Valk
  • Title: The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
  • ISBN: 978-1-59327-532-7

6. Write a review

How was your experience reading this book? Consider leaving a review or rating at the website where you purchased your copy. There are many books about LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, and reviews help make new readers a more informed choice. Thanks!

Note that I am not responsible for sales. This page was created merely to help you find the easiest option. Prices and shipping details are subject to change any time without notice.

4 Responses
  1. cobalt

    Amazon Kindle doesn’t available for me because my account is in Asia & Pacific. So I bought this book from publisher No Starch and downloaded ePub and PDF version to my iPad. The pages in ePub version is not colorful like PDF version, but all figures are full color and exactly same with PDF. No Starch made this ePub very carefully and added internal link in every text reference to other content, like figure or another chapter. So it is easy to read from portable device, especial my iPad mini, to read it on any moment.

    Thanks No Starch. Thanks Laurens.


EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

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