EV3 Discovery Book now in stock on Amazon


The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book is now in stock on Amazon! You can now also check out pictures of some of the robots, including the SNATCH3R, the Formula EV3 race car, and ANTY. Which robot will you build first?

26 Responses
  1. Chelsea

    Just got ours. The boys want to build the race car first, but they have their eye on the SNATCH3R as well. We’re so excited! Thanks for writing it.

  2. DamonMM2000

    That is just great; I have been waiting for this book to come out! I plan to buy it soon, as I expect it to be an awesome book.

  3. T

    I pre-ordered the book as a gift for my friend’s daughter, I’m tracking the delivery of the book from Amazon — it should arrive tomorrow, which is the same day that she graduates from Middle School. The book should be waiting for her in the mailbox when she gets home.

    She is on the school’s robotics team and made the Robotics Honor Roll. I’m sure she’ll have lots of fun with the book and her EV3 kit this summer!

    Thanks for writing the book and running the website, she has it bookmarked!

  4. Nahmed

    It is a great book. I. Am really enjoying it. I bought the ebook at 40% discount, and it was a bargain. I think, it is one of the best introductory books for EV3. All the topics are discussed in sufficient details and the organization is very logical. Thanks!

    1. Or, consider what could have gone wrong in your robot.

      There are many different YouTube videos of the Snatcher made by readers, and they work fine 🙂

      1. Lama-mantis

        Yeah, I’ve tried it again and again… But I will find the problem, even if it lasts 4 ages!
        P.S. Will there also come an EV3 edition of “The Unofficial LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 Inventor’s Guide”? It would be cool when there was an EV3 printer and an EV3 lizard!

        1. Meme

          So you’re going to need to improve prneastetion to get people to take ideas seriously, or even understand what they are about! Quickest is a sketch and then scan, but I think you should give Inkscape a try. It’s free, works well, and because it’s SVG paves the way for making interactive/HTML5 diagrams.

  5. Lama-mantis

    I already have the NXT 2.0 Discovery Book, so I already know a lot about programming and building robots. If I buy the EV3 set, is it usefull to buy this book?

    1. For a large part, this book is a revision of the NXT 2.0 edition, but rewritten for EV3.

      Once you get the EV3, perhaps you can just try if you can use your existing skills with EV3 and then decide whether you need this book.

  6. Rand0mUser

    Weirdest thing happened yesterday — I was looking through my draws and found the NXT 2 discovery book. Apparently its been there since 2011… but I’d completely forgot about it AND not found it, even when searching for my Java book/tome (I really am a nerd… its about 800 pages!!!). Still, as much as I’ve moved beyond much of the book, the more advanced robots are always good enough. Might even use them on my school’s open day — even though their Mindstorms sets have been ‘mothballed’ (i.e. left on a shelf for evermore).

      1. Rand0mUser

        Why not? I could take over my school’s IT department and actually teach people something — as opposed to putting them off IT for life, which is the only thing they can do. This is what the teachers are like:
        Student: Why isn’t the printer printing in colour? [holding black/white work]
        Teacher: [smug smile, knowing that the printer only prints in B/W, but has nothing to show that]
        Me: It only prints in B/W. You’ll have to go elsewhere.
        [to teacher] I’ll make a sign to warn people [that initiative!]
        Teacher: No, don’t. Its funny when they don’t realise that printer only prints in grayscale.


  7. cobalt

    Good book (through Amazon preview). Does it have Kindle or iBooks store version? I cannot buy the print book because I am out of Amazon delivery area…

    1. Amazon has a Kindle version.

      You can also buy an ebook bundle (Epub, Mobi, PDF) from the publisher: http://www.nostarch.com/ev3discovery

      Use discount code DISCOVER to get 30% off.

      If you buy the print book from the publisher (they may ship to your destination, I’m not sure), you get the ebook bundle for free.

      The advantage of the PDF format is that it looks just like the book, complete with the logically arranged layout. (Compared to the automatic layout of e-readers which do not always get it right.)

      1. cobalt

        Thanks for your publisher link and coupon 😉 Seems Amazon doesn’t release kindle link or I cannot find it.

        1. On the Amazon page, there appears a little icon that lets you change to the Kindle version. (Or search in the Kindle store).

          Here is a direct link though 🙂

  8. Andrew MO

    Has anyone worked through this book to highlight what cannot be done with the education sets? I have been thoroughly annoyed (at Lego) that Education Core Set + Extension != Home Edition and my class keeps stumbling on random pieces that are needed.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Yeah, I wish LEGO had created a larger ‘overlap’ between the two sets. Because the sets are so different, I was not able to create just one proper robot with just the overlap of the two base sets. For instance, even the wheels are different sizes.

      You may find it easier to build the standard Educator vehicle and do all of the programming tutorials Chapter 1-9 with that.

      The remaining programming tutorials (14-17), you can do with a slightly modified SK3TCHBOT (just skip steps 1-3 on page 204.)

      I don’t think the other bigger projects can be built with the Education set. Sorry about that. (I’d love to create a revised version for the Education set, but it will be tricky to find a publisher who can cost effectively print (unknown) small volumes.)



  9. rinado

    boa trde como fazer para baixar e instalar o formula car (projeto) no meu ev3 nao intendo muito de robotica e nem sei fazer projetos poderia mpor gentileza me explicar


EV3 Discovery

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more

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