NXTLog user ‘yorick2004’ has created an NXT version of LEGO’s recently released EV3 R3ptar. This is a great way to get started building the new models without waiting 7 months. Well done, Yorick. You can view the project here [LINK].

Discover the many features of the EV3 set, and learn to build and program your own robots! Learn more
I saw this on NXTlog while browsing the other day.
Wuold you pleaaaaaase tell me WHERE IN THE NAME OF HANS CHRISTAN ANDERSON where the NXT log is? I trien the link below, But it says Page not Found. And allI get at Lego.com is EV3
where th f*k is the instuctions please say laurens!!!
Someone also made a NXT version of the puppy-
That one is great, thanks for sharing!
How do you get the instructions?
I have build him but aaaarrrggg my batteries are disappeared. i hate batteries if you cant find them. Just wait until my parents gonna buy a accu.
Thanks for posting on your site!
I build it with my 8 year old son Yorick.
He is so proud 🙂
That’s great! Glad you found this blog – the internet makes the world so small 🙂
If you can manage to make a video and upload it to YouTube, I’d be happy to share it in this post as well.
Happy building!
There you go…
Posted, thanks!
And i built an NXT EV3RSTORM and SPIK3R! I hope you like them!
It includes LDD and program, so you can build it. NOTE: you must have more pieces than one NXT 2.0 set.
This is a great model of the snake but the link has expired or been taken down! Please could you give a new link on how to make it?