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The Difference Between EV3 Home Edition (#31313) and Education EV3 (#45544)
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The New EV3 Robots
All the tech blogs are at it right now, LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 is out! Only the tech blogs are mixing two different products (Education and Retail). Here’s an overview of the robots that you get with each set. The Retail set will come with 17 robots, so these are only the first 5!
LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3: Home Edition / Retail: Set #31313


has the educational set additional sensors? how does the Gyro Boy balance? Has it a gyroscope?
yes there are other sensors in the EDU then in the retail set.
2 large motors, 1 small
2 touch, 1 color, 1 Ultrasonic with red LED, 1 Gyro
2 large motors, 1 small
1 touch, 1 color, 1 Infra red Proximity , 1 remote IR beacon
What are the big differences in the software? It looks the same.
The graphics on the brick screen seems to be clearer and maybe larger?
The EV3 screen is larger than the NXT screen.
The software has the same structure (drag and drop), but it’s been redesigned from the ground up.
The new EV3 screen’s resolution is 178×128 pixels.
Can I get a program for the snake?
I make games for the NXT, and with the NXT physics engine I made(with other help), with the new EV3 processor it should go SO MUCH FASTER!!!!!! 😀
I will also be able to make my new EV3 grayscale (yes, grayscale) games faster! 😀
Can’t wait but how much is it pounds as i need to start saving
Serious i love the new mindstorms .270 euro’s. its coooool
Some of the official models are awesome but what are the other ones that are in the 17
gyro boy stands on two wheels and does not fall because he keeps moving all the time
i loooooooooooooove ev3rstorm
Hi Laurens,
Do you have details about “sets” of EV3? Just like something you wrote up on NXT articles.
Where can i get instructions of Gyroboy?
Is anybody having problems with Lego EV3 robot repeatability? I am mentor for a FLL team
in Dover, DE. We have written several programs for the FLL challenge using EV3 software
and they run fine most of the time. A student will run it again and suddenly the robot has
a brain fart, it goes straight instead of turning or it does not turn at all. I have talked to Lego
technical support and they said to erase all programs on the brick or reload the firmware.
This had a temporary effect. Has anybody found a reason and/or a fix for this?
I am working with the kids in school doing FLL. We are having the same problems with our robot. thanks for the info, we’ll try removing all programs and reload them.