LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Education Expansion Set 45560 Instructions

Looking for the Core Set (#45544) instructions? Click here.



Remote Control


Stair Climber


Tank Bot




Spinner Factory

[DOWNLOAD Part 1: Page 001-160 – 6MB]
[DOWNLOAD Part 2: Page 161-320 – 5MB]
[DOWNLOAD Part 3: Page 321-480 – 4MB]

Where to find programs and project files:

You can find the programs for these robots within the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Education software, which you can download for free via this LINK.

101 Responses
  1. bjadams

    any good place that sells this expansion set (or the expansion set for NXT) in europe as i need a good way to get some beams, etc

    1. Chris Davidson

      I got mine from the official Lego Education site but Amazon also do it. You might get lucky on ebay of course.

      Happy hunting! Chris

        1. christian

          hola amigo pido de favor que me ayudes con la programación gráfica del ev3 robot para subir escaleras….
          gracias de ante mano..

        2. Hans van Heeswijk

          My son likes to have the code for the Lego StairClimber, can you send it to me?
          Thanks in advance,

        3. Karen Fisher

          Please send code for stair climber if you still have it? Do you have any other codes for the expansion set?

        4. MHD

          Could you please send to me the Stair Climber project code to my Email?
          my Email is (
          Thnx a lot

        5. Cheryl

          I have some students interested in seeing your stair climber code. Would you please send it to me? Thanks!

        6. Darwin

          Can you send me the code for the stair climber? and if you have the code for the gyro boy please send it also. thanks in advance.

    2. Adithya NS

      Dear Sir,
      Can we do these robots using lego home edition and expansion kit?? or is it necessary to buy core set?? Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. jeremie

    hello,i’m a french teacher and i don’t find programs on these configurations.
    is it possible to know where are they please?
    (sorry for my english!)
    thanks all

  3. Lionlfs

    I just bought LEGO 45544+45560 completly set. And your website gives us lot help and fun. Basic on your guild have built some.

    Thanks a lot and best regards,

  4. Phan Tuan Dung

    Here are the programs of all Expansion set!
    Elephant: [!U4sChazY!sRlSlhxlcPVqB6jeocNQ6SbeBKWCQraWGb2cAIlRTY0]
    Remote Control:
    Stair Climber: [!w4VkgJpI!La4eHGh2cc_NBpTBP1tmFm_hk6AN4rBhxAY6ZiGqdTo]
    Tank Bot: [!J8E2RaDB!0f4G-zARGcseIEQtcxz9ycaJFfhZTCMSE3J94yNhyWE]
    Znap: [!xoEQiLrC!eZbuAb2Is_voJzP_bk53kAKtxQ8g5YEnsPUrIDiFrnc]
    Spinner Factory (Limited Time!*):
    Have fun!
    *It means that this program will appear for a time and will disappear when the time expired. When it disappears, there’s only a word “Time Expired!” in the Content Editor. So, be quick!

    1. AD

      Hi Phan,
      It would be a great pleasure for me. If you upload the programs again of EV3 core set models and expansion set models.
      I will be really thankful to you.


    2. Martin Haber

      Hi Phan! Can you re-upload the programs please! I tried to found for one week but dont found anything.

      If you want you can send me by e-mail

      Thank´s a lot!

    3. John

      The software is now free… Also, giving you the programs here is not allowed. That’s why he deleted it.

    1. John

      The Spinner Factory will take the spinner’s toppings that you choose and put it in the spinner, which is put at the “main station”. When finished, it will change into spinning mode, which will spin the spinner and release it.

  5. roger

    Hi! Please, could help me with a building guide of a humanoid with lego mindstorm education ev3 please.

    Sorry for my english

  6. rom


    could anybody to help me how to run spin factory? I suppose we have problem with daisy chain function. It is not clear what program to download to slave and what to master module. Or slave module has to run without a program at all. Thanks in advance for advice.

    1. Catherine

      Yes, it is compatible. However, the expansion set has plenty of technic pieces, but does not have any sensors or motors. You can find these on

  7. frank cabrera

    Hello people, I need the program of the elephant, please someone has the instructions of the program please??

  8. Johann

    Please, can someone help me out with the program for Elephant, Stair Climber and possibly also the other models?
    I promise to re-implement them in LeJOS Java and give this back to the community 🙂
    Thank you so much!

    1. Vishnu Suresh

      Can someone please send me the code for the stair climber. I have been working for some time now and I am stuck.


      1. Vishnu Suresh

        I need it urgently because I have to give my kit back to the school in the next few days.

  9. Maike

    is it still possible to get the programms for the Elephant and the Stair Climber from you ?
    Thanks ins advance !!

  10. regie


    Can someone please tell me where I can get the programs for znap, and the remote control, I’ m really curious on how the work. Please help


  11. Frans

    The Mindstorms education software is now free of charge. You can login with your Lego ID and download it on the Lego education website.
    This includes all building instructions and programs for both sets 45544 and 45560.


  12. anonymous

    ERROR CODE 347

    gibyvukeycnaosziyvuscnh zoifuhidhfuihodisufiwbye48ru9c8fwe7fuw90ybgr9f8nuisrg8t7iudfh888888888888gyiltsudfho;jkiogsptidfhbkjlvcblfgijvndflknvjfjidugbvfudhifuedsnhcuigfdnhohutrmovidfuhhgifdhgsunverhgiurnhiuvhtrheuivn 39817394246v879y73094579v2n00046075v8479wjefs84y975487993709v8b09743v9utieohwohjdfkgsg;dlsha;debov;tbe]we[v30v=3=594-=5vpenioy5bprknytodrhl; Harmony Code 7

  13. John

    First of all, the software is now free, so download it.

    Second, no more asking for code or the program. Any replies with the code or program will be deleted. That’s what I know.

  14. aman Gupta

    Dear Lauren, We are looking for a small model factory to show a demo of our product. Please contact us so that we can take your guidance

  15. Paul Martin

    Hi all am looking to instructions to build new models using the mindstorm education kits 45544/45560 thanks

  16. Hello Robotsquare! We would like to receive a free lego mindstorm EV3 educational kit, for the students!!! Please help us, we are deparate! Love from Suriname!

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