Segway with Robot Driver

This project is based on my universal balancing robot code. These small balancing robots are fun, but I wanted to make something that more closely resembles a real Segway.

Alpha Rex gives sends ‘high-level’ commands like steering and speed to the Segway via Bluetooth. The Segway program turns these signals into movement. In the video, it is Alpha Rex who detects the wall. Then it tells the Segway to turn around and move in another direction.

The robot is shown here with the Dexter Industries dIMU, but it works with any of the other NXT Gyroscopic sensors as well. The NXT motors drive two small rubber tires, which in turn drive the larger wheels. The distance between the axles of these wheels varies by the amount of force applied to the wheels. This way there is enough traction between the small and large wheels, even under high loads.

21 Responses
  1. Tran Quoc Khue and Hoang Sa, Truong Sa of Vietnam

    Hi, I’m from Viet Nam. I have a ask but it is not relevant of this topic. I want to buy Nxt 2.0 but wondering of the nxt of education, and the nxt can uses NXT Education Resource set. And how do I do a Camera for my robot by webcam (because Vision Subsystem v4 for NXT (NXTCam-v4) of mind sensor to expensive)

  2. Sander

    Hoi Laurens,
    prachtig werk dat je maakt en ik zit al je creaties al een tijdje te bestuderen. Nu heb ik mijzelf alleen een beetje verdiept in het NXT software van Lego zelf en zit mij eigenlijk af te vragen of het überhaubt wel mogelijk is om de Segway te programmeren met deze software. Meeste programma’s wat ik voor de Dexter Industires dIMU sensor zie is een andere programeertaal dan de “blokken” waar ik graag mee aan het werk wil gaan.

  3. Krnnichi

    Excellent point! I took my first trip to Europe with a dear friend who is a vibtearle European encyclopedia. He could tell me about every ruler, artistic movement, and dietary trade. When I’m alone, I always need a review!


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