New Crane is the Biggest Technic set ever

LEGO 42009, coming out in August 2013

Beating the Mercedes-Benz Unimog by 500 pieces, the new LEGO TECHNIC 42009 is the largest TECHNIC set to date with 2500 pieces [Source]. This new crane has a set of extra wheels, but it reminds me a lot of 2005’s set 8421. That was my first large Technic set.

One day, perhaps, I should sort out the pieces for that one and rebuild it. And maybe add an EV3 brick. Some day…

4 Responses
  1. Bjorn

    There is enough place in this one to fit either the NXT Brick or the new EV3 Brick (I think) in the hood behind the cabin. With the new small motors, there should be options to automate it to extend 😉
    I mean both this one and the old 8421. This one has an extra axle, wow… there goeds the savingsaccount again :s


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