With the help from the Mindstorms Community Partners (MCP), LEGO has released several bonus models for the NXT 2.0 set. However, they are not easily found on the LEGO website. This page is a collection of pictures and links to the bonus projects. Robot Square does not host the instructions or programs. Credits (and questions) go to the original designers.
Asking for help:
If you have any issues with the building or programming instructions, please contact the original designer of this robot! Asking for help here isn’t very effective, because I did not design these robots. Therefore, I do not know the details of the designs or solutions to problems you may run into. I’m just keeping this collection here to make all these designs easy to find. Happy building!
1# M.O.R.P.H
- Designed by: Kirk Backstrom
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
2# Llama
- Designed by: Fay Rhodes
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Programming instructions
are in the same document
as the building plans.
3# Manty
- Designed by: Laurens Valk
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
4# Stonehenge
- Designed by: Philippe Hurbain
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program 1: Juggle
- Program 2: Sorter
5# Segway with Rider
- Designed by: Dave Parker
- More info
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
6# NXTitzki
- Designed by: Matthias Paul Scholz
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
7# Archfish
- Designed by: Fay Rhodes
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Programming instructions
are in the same document
as the building plans.
8# Tripod
- Designed by: Daniele Benedettelli
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
9# MindCuber
- Designed by: David Gilday
- More info
- Building Instructions
- Program
- Visit the Facebook page for help
10# Pinball
- Designed by: Rob Torok
- Building Instructions
- Program
11# Color Programmable Car
- Designed by: Mike Brandl
- More info (German)
- Building Instructions
- Program
12# Lotto Bot
- Designed by: Eric Steenstra
- Building Instructions
- Program (Commented by Robot Square reader Foton)
Here’s a few videos showing some of the bonus models in action, so you can see what the robots do before you build them. Not all videos are made by the original robot designers.
1# M.O.R.P.H
2# Llama
3# Manty
4# Stonehenge
5# Segway with Rider
6# NXTitzki
8# Tripod
9# MindCuber
10# Pinball
12# Lotto Bot
There is one new building istruction .I dont now what he do ,maybe you now?
I believe it’s a little robot that performs specific actions based on the sequence of the colored balls. I’ll add it to this page.
something is wrong with the program for lottobot
Yeah can someone fix lottobot program? I built it but have no idea how to program it.
Hi there, did you find the program for the LottoBot? I have this project in school, but program is missing. Would appreciate your help!
Even the building instruction is gone now
is manty for 2.0? also, is this whole page about 2.0 projects?
Yeah, they are all 2.0
ijvhghjikgtdhiufhbeyufie UI HUYJVG YUDast RFY6DV GUVYJTGHGFGHD
How do you see how to build llama?
Do you speak a engrish?
hell no
ijvhghjikgtdhiufhbeyufie UI HUYJVG YUDast RFY6DV GUVYJT
The website for morph program is horrible
http://cache.lego.com/upload/contentTemplating/MindstormsBroc/otherfiles/2057/downloadD27818933790637D83F3205C93928787.zip please help me
he is certainly small. But 77 pages, are the building instruction.
I just build the Color programmable car (bonus model 11).
I love the idea, but building instructions are horrible.
Almost one fixed view, even when building behind “the wall”.
Files for CPC include not only program in NXT-G but also a photos of builded model. These are VERY helpfull.
I have problem with runing program, because if the ball is close to sensor, it reads nonsence or nothing. The inner space in ball cage is 3 studs, ball are 2 studs in diameter. Sensor is about 0.5 stud off the standard grid, so you have space before him 2.5 studs. HWn ball is 0.5 stud from sensor, it reads right data. But when it falls to 0 studs from sensor, anything could happened.
I tried to fixit (make balls to be “off” the sensor) with orange teeth or thin liftarms, but then balls start to stuck sometimes in the cage.
Probably, soon I rebuild the robot completely to have cage space 2×2 studs.
I want to use two of them in Flagball game (see http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/News/ReadMore/Default.aspx?id=419725) !
Yes, it really is the hardest building instruction that I know. Sometimes you have to place an item anywhere, but you do not see where this should be
I tried to build 2×2 stud cage, but balls stick in it (mikrometer wider space should be ok).
I followed the instructions while downloading an error occurred stating there is not enough memory.There are no files on the brick only the start up and sound files are on it. The brick has 58.0kb of open space.the program mindcuber has 655 bytes.please help if possible.
thank you
I had the same problem so i deleted everything off the brick and it worked after that.
Hope this helps 🙂
The building instructions arent nard at all. That is probably the easiest thing to build. Do you wanna know why? Its because anybody is capable of buildin a car with a chute on it. Its easy! Just try it even the programm should be easy! Just try that too! Good Luck
Did someone build “8# Tripod”? I did it, but when I run the program on NXT Block, in its display I see “File Error!”…and it doesn’t work! 🙁
Can you try it? Thank you! 🙂
It seems this fix helps.
There is no bonus model #5 on the lego site. I have the Discovery Book and my family is very impressed with the snatcher, which I built recently.
Bonus model #5 used to be on the LEGO site, but it disappeared for unknown reasons. That’s one of the reasons I share the complete collection here.
Glad to hear you all like the book!
I have built the TRIPOD, but the program doen’t work, and the fix link either! HELP!!
How about making your own program?
Or go to robotics.benedettelli.com and download the NXC program. But if you don’t have Bricx Comand Center (BricxCC) you can download it for free at http://www.BricxCC.com/nxc.
I just saw a new bonus model on the lego website.It is called lottobot but i am not sure what is does
Thanks for the notification. I know what the robot does — I’ll add it to the page as soon as possible!
My son is trying to build this and has a question: on step 14 (page 21-22-23-24 of the instructions PDF file), a sensor is added. What is that sensor?
I think that might be the other touch sensor because it’s kind of logical that a color sensor could not be between the treads of the robot. Why don,t you give it a try? It might work. 😉
I thing that this one is color sensor. Program use 1 color sensor, 1 ultrasound sensor and 2 touch sensors.
Touch sensors are at instruction 21 (33-36) and 14 (117-120) at ports 1 and 2. Ultrasound is at instruction 1(133-136) and port 4. Color sensor is at port 3 and probably instruction 14 (page 21-24).
As I search throught the building instructions, they are merely same bad as Color Prog. Car (bonus model 11). There are no cable connection picture!!
If this coul go to official Lego webpage, what else we can expect.
Finally I Build it.
This robot is used for random draw a ball form cage.
Driving around specified amount of time, rolling the cage with color balls. Then draw one ball from cage and says it’s color.
Video is on Youtube (http://youtu.be/UK53cz05nwE).
Building 4 hours.
Program does not run, because of missing image file. I change it and hugely commented RBT file (wiring included). You can download it from http://www.mlcochovi.cz/system/8547_bonus_model_12_Lottobot_commented9.rbt .
Photos from building are at (https://plus.google.com/photos/114639699759279631157/albums/5748784296487784897)
I love Lottobot when I see the video. By the way, why my MacBook Pro say that that page is not exist…
Lottobot looks like one of those globes where the little balls are spun in a game of Bingo on treads. Can you tell us what does it really do?
Dear Laurens, have you noticed that the pinball projecy needs an extra sise six axle? I was very confused.
yes,i tried building it and i found out that it needs an extra 6 size axel,lucily,i have an extra 6 size axel
Me ttoo
Dear Laurens, how do you open .LXF files from the internet?
You need LEGO Digital Designer for that.
I can download the mindcuber program, but i cannot open it because it is no a nxt format
please check it and let me know
The program is in EXE format for NXT cube. You cannot open it as common RBT files. It is binary (already compiled) file.
The download instructions are included in ZIP as README.txt file.
After download, the program can be found in “Files” at NXT cube.
Shorted Citation from README.txt:
The software for MindCuber is provided as an executable software file that you can download to the NXT brick using the standard LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 software by following these steps:
1. Select “Remote Control” from the “Tools” menu to open the “Remote Control” dialog
2. Select “Connections” open the connection dialog
3. Scan for your NXT and connect via USB or Bluetooth in the usual way
4. Select the “Memory” tab in the connection dialog
5. Select “Download” and use the file dialog to select the MindCuber.rxe file to download to the NXT
MindCuber is now ready to go!
Thanks Foton for helping the other commenter! Much appreciated 🙂
Select “Remote Control” from the “Tools” menu to open the “Remote Control” dialog
Where can I find this in NXT or MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0
hey laurens. i have a question on the pinball machine. i try downloading the program with a windows 7 laptop. but my cpu wont let me open the folder i get from the website. can you please help me?
The link on this page is a .zip file. When you open it, you will find a file inside: “PinballNXT3e.rbtx”
Don’t open this file again in your archiving tool. Just drag this file to your desktop. Open it from your desktop.
rbtx files sometimes act funny if you directly open them through a web link or through an unzip tool. So this is the way to go.
The program for the tripod isn’t working! Should I go to Danielle Bendettelli’s website and download it there instead?
Yes, please try that and let me know if it works. Then I can update the links.
Did you ever get a responce on that one?
I have tried to use the program from his side, but that doesnt seem to work either =(
No response, but why don’t you ask the designer of this robot? He must know 🙂
I just build the Tripod on instructions downloaded from Benedettelli (http://robotics.benedettelli.com/tripod.htm).
With default option ofoptimalization (set to 2) program was compiled and downloaded to NXT cube. But it run for 1sec and ended.
When I set optimalization to 0, BrixCC cannot download it to cube.
But wiht optimalization set to 1, all go smoothly and tripod is walking (and turnning …).
I like the mechanism of turning on place 🙂
Can somebody explain me, how I change the optimalization?
I searched for a few hours now, I just can’t find it.
Am I supposed to add a line in the source, or should I compile on a windows dos prompt?
And if the second is true, how can I get the program on the NXT?
I know I am just a few years to late, but I hope there is someone who can help me.
I’m about mindcuber. it can not collect the Rubik’s cube, but only his studies. and then on the screen says: scan error
I show mindcuber on exhibition and there are two thing, where it can can failed to solve the cube:
1) Cannot scan the sides => “scan error”
2) After succesfull scanning one step in solving is not completed corretly and you have to start again.
The final score is somethin about:
60 starts
25 succesfull scans
8 finaly solved cubes
So be patient 🙂 When it finally get solved it is awesome.
ad 1)
– I have two Rubik’s cube, sometimes switching them helped.
– Be sure you have common colored cube, because there is only calibration for white (detecting ambient light), not for all colors.
– Clean cube with cloth
ad 2)
– there is nothing You can do. Just try it again. Funny part is that if step failed at certain remaining steps and You rerun program, number of steps remainnig steps gets bigger (eg. 13 -> 35)
hi laurens my dads got me ur book formy birthday and i have built all of ur awsome lego sets thanks!!
i build mindcuber and i download program. I put rubik’s cube and i start the program. Mind cuber scans and solves the rubik’s cube but, when it turns the face, it doesn’t turn rubik completely. Do you have a comment of that?
I’m french. Sorry for my english.
For assistance on this project, please contact the original designer of this robot.
I’ve built the Mindcuber, which took three hours, found my old rubiks cube, which took all of three days, but now the program gets stuck on the command, which is one the scree, “Calibrate White” (enter) “Remove cube…”
You probably start calibrating proces (i think this is done by holding button when program starts).
To came across the calibration, you need to have Cube with white side solved (all 9 squares) and put it into Mindcuber whit white side on top.
Program then scan all 9 white squares and then return to “solving” state.
just to say laurens I love the nxt invention guide 2.0 especially the Jeep and lizard.
Stefan – that’s awesome! Thanks for commenting.
When I built the mindcuber it worked fine but when it started solving it the cube wouldn’t turn all the way which messed it upp because it kept getting stuck… what’s going on?????
Tought Rubic cube. Try silicon spray on it. It had to move smoothly, very smoothly.
I sometimes have to add “helping hand” to finish turn when presenting MindCuber.
Is it possible to build morph without the treads and just use the wheels?
How do I contact the original owner if they dont have their contact info on the mindstorms website?
Is there an NXT-G file for the mind cuber as I have not got the software to open the NXC file an don’t know where to get the software for mac OS X. If you could give me a link or something I would really appreciate it.
why are the instructionns for the Color Programmable Car so bad?
i cant have the program for the mindcuber , can you help?
I build Pinball and I can’t download program on NXT brick?
“The program is broken. It may be missing required files.”
I download program on NXT brick with XP OS
can someone help when i download the mindcuber program i cant open it so how do i open it and get it?
Laurens can you help?
its ok i have worked it out
Actually never mind.
FOTON, your a genius.
BTW Laurens i’m a fan for life!
There’s also building instructions for the Segway at: http://www.nxtprograms.com/projects2.html
Hello, Where can i get the building instructions and program Segway, but using a gyroscopic sensor?. I am very interesting in the programing algoritms or flow diagrame.
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
How do you get the stonehenge sorter to work, as it appears to be a load of custom blocks, which appear broken when I load the program and remain broken even when I open them from the file.
hey um i just built the tripod and try to program it/ download but cant seem to and if you know any website that has the instruction that lets you program the tripod thanks
hi Laurens im new to mindstorms i got it for Christmas i built the pinball game despite the extra 6 axle i try to download the program into my nxt but it kept wouldn’t work so i went of and did a simple move on the program and downloaded it so im a bit confused
I have LEGO’s MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 8547 FW 1.31, AVR 1.01, BC4 1.01.
I built 9# MindCuber.
When I run the program the NXT shows “Remove cube …” whether there is a cube present or not.
With no cube present at start of program, NXT shows” Remove cube …”.
If I depress the orange button, displays shows “Calibrate white’ in addition to “Remove cube …”.
I have tested the ultrasonic sensor in View. The ultrasonic sensor seems to be working properly.
Minimum achievable distance is 4cm or approximately 2In.
Any suggestions?
I have just added a link to the Facebook page where you can get help. Please try that. Good luck!
I built the mindcuber the scanning works fine but it the rubix cube gets jammed. It does not complete the cube its really annoying can someone please help me.
im tryin to download the software but do not know how to convert rxe’s to the nxt mindstorms 2.0
Yeah,Ihave the same problem
I downloaded mindcuber #9 software but cant open it on mac os x need
help now despret a VIDEO would be great!
do you have the file or nothing at all if you have the zipfile go in to it and copy MindCuber.rxe then go to your program file and paste it in there next go to your lego nxt icon plug in your robot connect it then go to memory in the top of the connection icon and click download and go to your programing file and click MindCuber.rxe and your ready to go just to tell you sometimes peps get afended when i send them this when they dont know who i am my name is ryan and im ten
I have a problem
MindCuber my scans and then the screen is written:
Scaning error.
I’ve tried to calibrate but the same.
sorry for my English
how am I suposed to see the programing instructions for the pinball???
awesome totaly getting these
I’m having trouble opening the file onto the software and I have tried everything. Please help.
This is for the pinball program
I cant get to the program for Lottobot. Please help
I can’t go in the instruction of programming the mindcuber. Please help me
I have my mindcuber built and the program is on it but when it runs it always says there is a problem with on of the faces and it never works.
help me.
Can be your cube realy solved? Try to disassemble and assemble cube againg.
I have a problem:
i cant open the files.
Can I also download .rbt files or find program instructions? I hope you can help me!
P.S. I have two books of you: the Discovery Book and the Unofficial LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Inventor’s guide. ( i know, you dont have write the second book, but you are the builder of the robots)
( I cant open the files because i dont have WinZip on my new computer)
(My english is not the best, as you see, because, look like you, laurens, im from the netherlands. If you want, please give answer in dutch, so i dont must put all your text in google translate)
Hopefull you can give answer for my problem!
You speak very good for a Hollander. If you are using windows, go to your nxt brick file chart thing and where it says browse, find the program file and download. You must put the file in the chart, not in the programming block layout.
I’ll try it later. Thanks for your answer!
I downloaded the rcx. for the mindcuber program but doesnt work… i have triple checked everything but still doesn’t work. any solutions?
how do you use the program 4 the tripod? i have a mac but i dont know how to open the file. i was really disappointed:(
i have problems with bonus model 5 i can’t program the robot how can i download him!!!
ps im a hollander im not very good in inglisch sorry
i have problems with bonus model 8 i can’t program the robot how can i download him!!!
ps im a hollander im not very good in inglisch sorry
not 5
but 8
I had a problem with the snatcher that very time it went to pick something up it would seam to get really tight and the arm wouldn’t move, I built and destroyed it 3 times but the same thing happens? Do you know why?
Please post questions about the Snatcher on the Snatcher page :).
Be sure to look at the sideview on page 224. Every element should be aligned exactly as shown in this diagram.
my mindcuber isn’t working it keeps saying scan error and I leave it there and try hundeds of times but it still doesn’t work plz help
Bei den Programm MindCuber Funktioniert das programm nicht schade.
Es erscheint die Meldung die datei konnte nicht geöffnet werde……
Hoffe sie können helfen
the lego nxt really is the max but know someone help because I have llamas, Stonehenge, the mindcuber and pinball made and they were not working
Hey Brad,I was checking out these fly finhisg reels also on ebay and you can get a great deal on them there. I saw a Abel super 11 would cost you at least $400 to $500 brand new. I found one on ebay for under $100. Of course it was used. But you gave Dee some good advice about finding a cheap one before she dove in with a brand new one. I have fly fished for about a year. My first love is deep sea finhisg and I always have a abu garcia in my hand. Nice blog and great info I will be back.take care~Tee
The link for LottoBot program is broken
Hi, does any one know building instructions for a mindstrorms blimp?
(Just the NXT part for the rest I don’t need help.
morph does not work for the dance yellow
i love stone hedge. i also really like the discovery book and inventors guide 2.0.and also i am only 9 and i have built all of the discovery book robots and i just started the inventors guide.
for #11 CPC, what cables go where?
Does any one know if you can use a PALM PILOT for a remote for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0?
Any help is appreciated..
i like Lotto bot
Is there any building instructions for a Lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 claw like the 1.0 version? if there is i would like to know and i would also like to have the building instructions.
In the Lego book that laurens valk made, how do you get the programs for the ideas???
I have been lately interested in getting a Lego mindstorms rcx but i cant find a place to buy them. i don’t want them from amazon and i don’t want them from eBay.
The program for LottoBot doesn’t work. I can’t seem to find it anywhere on the internet. I built it over the course of 5 hours and I don’t want that work to be wasted.
How about making your own program?
I have already tried making my own programm but it seems too complecated because theres little programm ideas after the building istructions. They dont make any sense!
How to program Segway with rider?
Is the NXTitzki controllable or is it just a running program?
First of all, try pulling out the batteries and see if that will reset the brick.
If that doesn’t work, you will notice a little button inside the battery
compartment. Push it down for 5 seconds. This will create a “soft” reset.
If these steps don’t work, a “hard” reset will need to be performed. You will
need to reinstall firmware
when you are finished.
Unplug the USB cord from the computer.
Looking at the face of the NXT, iden
tify the top right corner, easy to
spot because it has the USB connection there.
Keep focusing on that corner as you roll the NXT over to look at its
back side, where you should now s
ee some peg holes (three, a space,
and then three more; matching on
es on the opposite end of the
battery compartment)
You want to carefully look into the corner-
peg hole near the USB cord plug-in and you
will find that deep in it, there is a button.
Holding this button in for a few seconds with
something like a paperclip, will put the NXT
into Samba Mode, which is a dead screen
and a quiet ticking noise will begin.
Now you can plug in the USB cord to your
computer and download the firmware back
onto it using the instructions below.
Your NXT should be operational again. All the programs will more than likely be erased. Click the below link to see visual.
Updating the firmware should restore the brick to normal.
Hi, Mr. Laurens! I can’t open the programs for Stonehenge, Tripod, The Mindcuber, AND the Lottobot. Could you help me? My level of programming is not adequate for creating my own programs. When I try to open them, all my electronic devices said Internal Server Error. I would appreciate your help. Thank you! I Hope I did Not seem rude when I said Mr. Laurens.^^ Actually, I am a big fan of yours.^^
How do I open the program mindcuber 2.2 nxc on the NXT brick?
hey guys
how do I get the stonehedge program on my nxt it is now in format .zip
please help.
When did you want to add the program for Lotto Bot? it isnt nice to know that you can build Lotto Bot, ´but not download the program :/
eeeh martie?`Do you know that .zip archieves are comprimed folders?
you only need to open the archieve with double klick on it
How do I build a Silly-Walking-Machine? I looked evrywhere in the Internet but i didn´t find something. If you find a interdoction pleaze send it in this Chat that would be very helpfull and nice!!! Thanks bb :)!!!
Can I build them with EV3 ?
hi I vien to obtain best a box of lego mindstorm 2.0 but I can not download the program for mindcuber.je can have a picture of the program on Facebook
all the videos were awsome thx
guichard means with “vien”, “to come” and with “je” “i” and guichard? can´t -> cannot =)
The Tripod doesn’t really work… The right Front leg just goes out 180 degrees instead, and the robot falls. What can I do?
Hi, Mr. Laurens! I can’t open the programs for Stonehenge, Tripod, The Mindcuber, AND the Lottobot. Could you help me? My level of programming is not adequate for creating my own programs. When I try to open them, all my electronic devices said Internal Server Error. I would appreciate your help. Thank you!
I Hope I did Not seem rude when I said Mr. Laurens.^^ Actually, I am a big fan of yours.^^
LEGO seems to have removed most of the NXT 2.0 content when they updated their EV3 page recently.
I don’t think I have all the programs. I will try to contact the respective designers and ask if I can upload the programs here.
This may take a while though 🙂
Thank you!^^ By the way, I read and completely exhausted your extremely helpful book, the Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 discovery book, and loved it! So, thank you again!
I wonder why the lego group did that?
huh? why all the building instructions don´t work?
can you please fux this, or has this site to be close lego doesn´t want to give Information about nxt 2.0? that isn´t nice -.-
whoops xD *fix
Please, Mr. Laurens, would you please help me find programs that work for the mindcuber, Stonehenge, Tripod, NXT Pinball, and the Lottobot. I am looking for more robots to build that have programming examples, especially after reading and building all the awesome robots in your extremely useful book, the NXT discovery book. please repl!
For the 10000000000000th time, how do I open the programs!
Sorry I made so much hard work for you,MR.Laurens
Hello, My kid, 11 years old, is interested in finding the executable NXT2.0 program with extension .rbt for assembling the Rubik cube. Please, someone help us to find such a program?
Abdon (I live in Mexico)
Hello, to get this program, you just need to do the following:
1.) click the hypertext “Program” on the mindcuber project#9 above the comments.
2.) make sure you’re using google chrome browser and it should show that it is being downloaded.
3.) click the arrow for a list of options next to the download at the bottom of your monitor. select show in folder. it should be in the downloaded files.
4.) open your lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 programming interface
5.)create a new program
6.) click on the NXT window in the bottom right corner
7.)select your nxt it should be connected to your computer
8.)select the memory tab in the nxt window
9.)click download
10.) locate your folder that contains the program(zip file that you downloaded)its should be in your downloads folder
11.)then select it and click download
12.) Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let me know if you need anymore help!!
Garrett Young, thank you.
Hey Mr. Laurens!
Could you please tell me why the pinball program is not downloading to my nxt? I am using a mac running el capitan and am using the ev3 software to upload to brick. Should i use txt software?
Hi. I just built M.O.R.P.H. But when I try to download the program onto the NXT brick, it loads a bit, then says in a popup: “Error: The program is missing. It may be missing required files.” I did notice that when I click on the My Blocks in the program, they don’t open. So maybe that has something to do with it…
Does anybody know why this is happening, and/or how I can fix it? Thanks in advanced.
I meant to say, “The program is broken.”
Never mind, I figured it out 🙂
very good ideas
wonderful job , please upload more
do u have a design and program of lego mindstorm 2.0 that can grip the 4×4 box atleast 100mg
Unfortunately, the links to the models on the lego website do not work anymore. Is there a mirror site or something?
Social conversation and societal perform can be
a thing that makes this game so much enjoyable.
You can download them from this link: https://web.archive.org/web/20130119221258/http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/support/buildinginstructions/8547-/Bonus%20Model%201.aspx
How do I see the building instructions of archerfish?